This topic shows you how to connect our app with your Airtable account.

Step 1 - Go to our app on Shopify

In our admin panel go to the tab name Setup airtable connection .

You will then be able to enter your Airtable’s credentials.

Capture d’écran 2024-06-03 à 16.44.01.png

Step 2 - Find and enter your Airtable Workpace

You need to select one of your Airtable Workspace on which you will host your sync base with your Shopify Store.

Then you can copy-past the ID of the Workspace. We recorded a one-minute video to show you how to find this ID.

Please make sure to not copy paste the ? at the end of the url.

Step 3 - Generate and enter your Airtable Personal Token

You will then need to generate an Airtable Personal Token.

To do so:

  1. Go to your Airtable account.
  2. On the top right of the screen, click on your account.
  3. Then go on the Developer hub
  4. Click on button Create new token
  5. You can name it SyncBase
  6. Make sure to select all scopes + authorize access to all your workspaces.

You can now copy paste your Airtable token to our app!

Step 4 - Click on Connect Airtable button

That’s it! Our app is connected to your Airtable account and we will be able to generate a sync base for you.

<aside> 📌 During this process, to make sure your Airtable credientials are correct we create a temporary base named Sync Pilot - Temporary Airtable Connection Test - You can safely delete this base .

You can delete this base, this is not the sync base you will generate to you later.
